Full Time Missions and Loving it!

Getting Back in the Swing of Things

February was a whirlwind of transitions, and even when it was hard, it was such a blessing.  After being stuck in the U.S. for so long, I can’t explain the feeling of being able to serve full-time again.  This past year has really taught me how to be flexible with my schedule, to enjoy the long days when I get lost in a project for hours, and to value quality time with friends over solitude.  Even the difficult moments during this month of transition have been reminders of God’s faithfulness to bring me back to my home in Thailand.

In a normal week, I spend 3 mornings teaching English to our kids in Bang Phli and 2 or 3 days working from home.  Monday nights I have a Bible study with our university students in Phnom Penh.  I also have several meetings each week, some in person with my teammates, and some online with our team in Cambodia or in the U.S.  The rest of my work time is spent developing our new English curriculum, working on research for Lifesong, updating sponsors, and doing some big-picture planning.  The absolute highlight of each week has been getting to be with my youth group again every Tuesday and Friday.  We have a lot of transitions happening as we prepare for many upcoming goodbyes, so I’m especially grateful for every week I get to spend with these kids I’ve known for the last 5 years.

Studying Thai is also taking up an increasingly large part of my time as I prepare for my classes to start at the end of March.  Getting to practice with my kids and our team in Thailand has given me new motivation to learn and to practice, even when I struggle over every sentence I want to say.  I never thought I would be excited to study Thai, but the Lord is good and has helped me cultivate curiosity instead of frustration, and boldness instead of timidity.  I’m praying that only increases as I move into learning in a classroom setting for the first time.


What a blessing to be able to share this update from things I’ve been able to see in person!  I have been able to serve 3 days a week at Construction of Hope, teaching English to our middle and older groups of kids with my teammate Bobbi Jo.  Our numbers are still smaller than normal because of the Covid lockdown that happened early December through early February.  With the smaller numbers of kids, we have been able to meet the individual needs of our students and they are learning quickly.  I have gotten to meet many new Thai volunteers who come to teach the kids many different things, including math, art, Thai, fine motor skills (for the littlest kids), and guitar.  It has been so much fun getting to know the kids again, and building better relationships with our Thai leaders.

We are also excited about the progress of our building project.  Construction is well underway on our new land.  When construction is finished, we will have two dorms, a shower/bathroom building, a kitchen, and a learning/recreational area.  We are also excited to be able to build a home for Pastor Vino and his wife who have been living at the church full-time with the kids since the first Covid lockdown one-year ago.  Please pray with us that these buildings are completed quickly, and for favor to stay at our current property until all of the buildings are complete.


Exciting things are happening in Cambodia!  This month, I was able to start weekly Bible study and discipleship with our university students in Phnom Penh.  I have known these kids for the last 3 or 4 years, and it is amazing to see how much they have grown in their faith and maturity.  Two of our students have also been able to start working part time as teachers in a local Christian school.  They really enjoy getting to work with the little kids, teaching them the Bible and Khmer.  We are praying that God continues to provide opportunities for our students to share the Gospel and impact their communities, even as they train for their future careers.

We are also excited about the potential opportunity to purchase more land for House of Hope in Takeo.  Because of the Covid-effected economy, the price has been greatly reduced, so we are praying about how to best take advantage of this opportunity God has provided.  As our number of kids continues to increase, we are excited about the chance to have more space for them to learn and play.

Praise Report

– Praise God for our new land opportunities in both Cambodia and Thailand.
– Praise God for growing relationships with our Thai leaders and our students through weekly English lessons and lunches.
– Praise God for a wonderful start to weekly Bible studies with our university students in Cambodia.
– Praise God for continued health for all of our students and their families.

Prayer Requests

– Pray for my Thai language learning as I prepare to begin classes at the end of March.
– Pray for our buildings in Thailand to be completed quickly as our current lease is quickly coming to an end.
– Pray for wisdom in knowing how to move forward with the potential purchase of new land for House of Hope.
– Pray for relationships to continue to develop with our staff, missionaries, and our kids.





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